3. Utils


Read config.json


Remove all the data we do not use.

hazard_path : file path to location of all hazard data.
gmtra.utils.load_osm_data(data_path, country)[source]

Load osm data for an entire country.


data_path : file path to location of all data.

country : unique ID of the country for which we want to extract data from OpenStreetMap. Must be matching with the country ID used for saving the .osm.pbf file.

gmtra.utils.load_osm_data_region(data_path, region)[source]

Load osm data for a specific region.


data_path : file path to location of all data.

region : unique ID of the region for which we want to extract data from OpenStreetMap. Must be matching with the region ID used for saving the .osm.pbf file.


Load specific hazard map.

hzd_path : file path to location of the hazard map.
gmtra.utils.load_ssbn_hazard(hazard_path, country_full, country_ISO2, flood_type, flood_type_abb, rp)[source]

Function to load a SSBN hazard map.


hazard_path : Path to location of all hazard data.

country_full : Full name of country. Obtained from create_folder_lookup.

country_ISO2 : ISO2 country code of the country.

flood_type : Specifies whether it is a pluvial or fluvial flood.

flood_type_abb : Abbrevated code of the flood type. FU for river flooding, PU for surface flooding.

rp : Return period of the flood map we want to extract.


array: NumPy Array with the raster values.

affine : Affine of the array.

gmtra.utils.gdf_clip(gdf, clip_geom)[source]

Function to clip a GeoDataFrame with a shapely geometry.


gdf : geopandas GeoDataFrame that we want to clip.

clip_geom : shapely geometry of region for which we do the calculation.

gdf : clipped geopandas GeoDataframe

Function to sum a list of tuples.

l : list of tuples.
tuple : a tuple with the sum of the list of tuples.
gmtra.utils.set_prot_standard(x, prot_lookup, events)[source]

Function to set all values to zero below protection standard.


x : row in a GeoDataFrame that represents an unique infrastructure asset.

prot_lookup : dictionary with protection standards for each region.

events : A list with the unique hazard events in row x.

x : row in a GeoDataFrame that represents an unique infrastructure asset with zero values for no flooding.
gmtra.utils.sensitivity_risk(RPS, loss_list, events, param_length)[source]

Function to estimate the monetary risk for a particular hazard within the sensitivity analysis.


RPS : list of return periods in floating probabilities (i.e. [1/10,1/20,1/50]).

loss_list : list of lists with a monetary value per return period within each inner list.

collect_risks : a list of all risks for each inner list of the input list.
gmtra.utils.monetary_risk(RPS, x, events)[source]

Function to estimate the monetary risk for a particular hazard.


RPS : list of return periods in floating probabilities (i.e. [1/10,1/20,1/50]).

x : list of lists with a monetary value per return period within each inner list.

events : list of events that correspond with the return periods in the inner lists of x.

collect_risks : a list of all risks for each inner list of the input list.
gmtra.utils.exposed_length_risk(x, hzd, RPS)[source]

Function to estimate risk in terms of exposed kilometers.


x : row in a GeoDataFrame that represents an unique infrastructure asset.

hzd : abbrevation of the hazard we want to intersect. EQ for earthquakes, Cyc for cyclones, FU for river flooding, PU for surface flooding and CF for coastal flooding.

RPS : list of return periods in floating probabilities (i.e. [1/10,1/20,1/50]). Should match with the hazard we are considering.

risk value : a floating number which represents the annual exposed kilometers of infrastructure.
gmtra.utils.total_length_risk(x, RPS)[source]

Function to estimate risk if all assets would have been exposed.


x : row in a GeoDataFrame that represents an unique infrastructure asset.

RPS : list of return periods in floating probabilities (i.e. [1/10,1/20,1/50]). Should match with the hazard we are considering.


Function to specify the range of possible costs for a bridge.

x : row in a GeoDataFrame that represents an unique bridge asset.
list: a list with the range of possible bridge costs.
gmtra.utils.extract_value_from_gdf(x, gdf_sindex, gdf, column_name)[source]

x : row in a geopandas GeoDataFrame. gdf_sindex : spatial index of dataframe of which we want to extract the value.

gdf : GeoDataFrame of which we want to extract the value.

column_name : column that contains the value we want to extract.

extracted value from other GeoDataFrame

Function to create a dictionary in which we can lookup the folder path where the surface and river flood maps are located for a country.


Mapping function to create a dictionary with an aggregated list of road types.

dictionary : A dictionary with road types and their aggregated equivalent

Mapping function to create a dictionary with an aggregated list of railway types.

dictionary : A dictionary with road types and their aggregated equivalent
gmtra.utils.line_length(line, ellipsoid='WGS-84')[source]

Length of a line in meters, given in geographic coordinates

Adapted from https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/4022/looking-for-a-pythonic-way-to-calculate-the-length-of-a-wkt-linestring#answer-115285

line : a shapely LineString object with WGS-84 coordinates
Optional Arguments:
ellipsoid : string name of an ellipsoid that geopy understands (see http://geopy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#module-geopy.distance)
Length of line in meters